On the Delphi team we use Subversion. I use svn.exe and Tortoise SVN. Today I found that it's important to keep svn.exe and Tortoise SVN in sync. If they get too far out of sync then the older one will no longer function on the repository due to changes in the local .svn directories . It's easy to keep Tortoise SVN up to date because it tells you there is a later version, but svn.exe just keeps truckin' along until it breaks.
The best place I found to get svn.exe is CollabNet.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
SubVersion - Keep svn.exe and Tortoise in sync
Posted by
Chris Bensen
7:45 AM
Why is it important to keep them in sync? Is there any specific reason for this?
If they are not in sync then the older one will no longer function. I updated the post to include this bit of information. Thanks for asking.
Tortoise contains SVN - so it is clear that you need to be aware to use the same SVN-version if you use the command-line tool. Thus, I wonder if you wanted to warn us of something specific that I did miss reading this...?
For Tortoise you don't need svn.exe and the only time I use it, is when I run a batch file that exports a log in xml format - but not for changing the repository (checking in or so) ...
I use both the command line tool, svn.exe, and the Explorer shell TortoiseSVN. TortoiseSVN notifies the user that there are newer versions while svn.exe does not. I upgraded TortoiseSVN to version 1.4.x while leaving svn.exe behind at version 1.3.x. This made my local repository unusable by the older svn.exe. Most of the time the update goes without a hitch, but in this case it did not. Which is why I made this post.
I like to use the command line at times and Explorer at other times. If you don't use both then you can ignore my post.
The same is true when you have a subversion server (in another host), and -obviously- Tostoise in yout local one. Don't update tortoise unless you update your server.
Chris, you've confirmed this to me, as I've maintained them more or less in sync and never let them go too far one from each other but wasn't sure (until now) what exactly could happen if I didn't.
BTW!!! you know Chris.... right? .... Subversion.... Delphi....?? a tiny little bit of light over the posibility? :)
Send an email to Nick. I'll mention it to him when he gets in. His office is right next to mine so I drop in all the time :)
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