Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SuperDuper! vs Carbon Copy Cloner

I've been using SuperDuper! for quite a while now. But once in a while the incremental backups fail. I haven't found a satisfactory explanation, so I started looking for a replacement. David Dean suggested Carbon Copy Cloner which is what I now use.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

June Photo of the Month

This photo was taken at Año Nuevo State Reserver. Wikipedia also has a good bit of information on Año Nuevo. This is one of the most amazing parks to visit. These little pups just roll all over one another.

California with it's sizable budget problem is entertaining the possibility of closing over 80% of the parks, including Año Nuevo State Reserver and every beach and park in and around Santa Cruz. Most of the photos you see on my website are taken at these parks and every year I buy a State Parks pass to support the parks. Who knows what will actually happen. Only time will tell, but needless to say I really hope they find another solution since overall the closure will do more harm than good. You can read up on the potential closing here.

In other news, the National Parks will be free to visit three weekends this summer. Check out
Fee-Free Weekends In Your National Parks