Monday, March 30, 2015

Workout - Functional Patterns

The title says it all: "This is not CROSSFIT this is FUNCTIONAL PATTERNS". This is an extremely ergonomic and healthy way to workout. CrossFit is not safe. Seriously, it isn't. Most instructors are not knowledgable enough which is why CrossFit is so popular. It takes a few days to get a CrossFit certification. Lots of cling and jerky movements where as "Functional Patterns" is very round, front back side to side. Simply awesome!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Exercises to do at your Desk

We now know that sitting all day isn't good for you. So here is a graphic with a bunch of desk-based exercises.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Back from my Blog Hiatus

I had a run in with a few viruses and bacteria over the last few months and haven't posed much (one post I think). So, I'm just now getting some time and feeling up to the task of adding more content to this blog.