This past weekend Embarcadero moved us out of the old Borland building to a new office space a very short distance away. Something about saving some money or something. To my surprise this is what my office cube looked like when I arrived.
Nothing but an Asus EE Touch Top to work with plugged in and ready to go with awesome touch goodness. It didn't take long to realize this was a practical joke. Over the next couple hours my equipment started showing up and here is what my cube should have looked like.
What's on your bookshelf Chris?
These are just a few of my books. Many of them went home and will probably stay there due to space. But I haven't opened many of these in years. From left to right in no particular order because they just came out of the box: UNIX in plain English, .NET and COM, OpenGL Shading Language, Intel 1997 Architecture Software Developers Manual, pad of paper, Learning GNU Emacs, Assembly book, Petzold Windows 95 (old I know), UNIX Power Tools, OLE2 Programmer's Reference vol 1, Learning the vi Editor, OLE2 Programmer's Reference vol 2, Turbo Assembler, Borland C++ 3.0 Library Reference, Microsoft Masm Programmer's Guide, Microsoft Masm Refernece, Component Writer's Guide, .NET IL Assembler, Inside OLE, Mastering OLE2, Microsoft Visual C++ MFC Library Reference Part 1, Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools, , Compiling for the .NET Common Language Runtime, Advanced Windows, Open Architecture, Inside COM, ATL COM, Microsoft Visual C++ MFC Library Reference Part 2, Programming Windows 95 MFC, two or three more intel architecture books from 1997, Win32 Programming. The Intel books have been very handy lately though.
I thought the cubicle principle was abandoned years ago!
Birger, cubes and offices are like fashion. One year they are out of style, the next they are back in.
Mike, cubes are very functional and there definitely is a social aspect to them that can be a lot of fun.
Welcome to the Dilbert world...
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